New Features
- A new widescreen page size was introduced to help create notes that best fit your full-screen monitor for presentations.
- Select a fill style and color for your shapes.

- You can select a custom font style for your text.

- The zoom value is visible and launches a flyout to increase, decrease or fit
- Tapping on the current page indicator shows a fly-out to edit the current page
- Upon exit, allow the user to save or discard the last edits.
- Improvements to the user interface for the settings window.
- Improvements in memory usage.
- Tapping on the file name on the toolbar reveals the flyout below.
- Removed the flashing popup when loading a note.
- Set the min-zoom-value to be 25% fixed and not depending on the current view.
Bug Fixes
- Removed various memory leaks.
- When inverting the color of the paper, all the pages are now updated correctly.